Friday, December 9, 2011

This Week in Science #6

What I DID: what we did was look at the crickets and how they looked what they where doing and stuff like that.

Summarizes the major learning experiences and topics from the week. May include ideas and experiences not documented in the notebook.

What I LEARNED: What I learned was how crickets live there, body parts and how they act with eachother. One thing i noticed about them was that they have ears on there knees and whistle threw there
the wings clacking together. Only the male whistle to atract a female cricket.  

Describes the major ideas examined over the course of the week. Includes my thoughts about what I am still unsure about. May also include things I notice, connections I made, questions I have, “aha” moments and other unintended discoveries.

Documentary Artifact (pic, video, illustration): This will help you tell the story of your week in science.

Friday, November 4, 2011

This Week in Science #4

  one thing we did last week was getting our measurements for our data table. We then made a rough draft of our graph. After this we put all our work on a poster. We then work on our investingation write up. my job for that was to do the procedure.
  A thing i learned this week was how the brassica rapa grows taller then

Friday, October 14, 2011

this week in science #2

  this week we worked on the plant investigation #2. We've work on getting facts about one of the fastest growing plant called the brassica rapa. our second thing we've worked on was changing up the varibles and test it out to see if we have the same results. Were testing to see which one would survive the cups in the dark or in the light.